Violence, burning, rioting and looting is not the right way to protest against racism.
But what is the right way to protest against systemic racism?
Young Black, Asian, Middle Eastern people are tired of blatant systemic and in your face cases of racism by the Police, media, institutions and individuals. They are fed up with the standard apology of “regret, deeply sorry or even the sugar-coated nonsense of a thorough investigation” to follow after every racist incident.
It is high time the authorities start paying real attention to the injustices that currently contribute to create a racial hierarchy where white people remain on top. Many white people silently agree that racism gives them unearned privilege, but they are caught up in the dilemma of “I don’t like racism, but I don’t want to give up my white privilege.”
However, not until people begin to ask themselves—how am I contributing to the system that perpetuates injustice and discrimination against others, will racism and violence and the pain of the aftermath remain a route leading to nowhere.
For instance, what is happening in France and the United States is an example of why we cannot keep missing opportunities to have a proper dialogue to stop racism.
Let’s start by changing the social norms and institutional policies that sustain racism.

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